What is ‘Regional Conflicts and Cooperation’?
For JC students taking H2 History, it is one of the featured topics under Paper 2 Theme III. In this topic, we will look at how tensions between nation-states in Southeast Asia have given rise to conflicts. Additionally, we will look at the efforts made by these nation-states to promote co-operation in ASEAN.
There are two major areas of study for the topic:
- Inter-state tensions and cooperation
Browse the featured articles below to find out more.

Why did the Jabidah massacre occur?
Learn more about the Jabidah Massacre of 1968 that triggered the rise of Muslim separatism in Mindanao.

What is the purpose of the ASEAN Free Trade Area?
Learn more about the AFTA agreement signed in January 1992 among ASEAN-6 to create a regional market.

What is the relationship between Vietnam and the ASEAN countries?
Examine ASEAN's relations with Vietnam in the Cold War and post-Cold War phases.

Sabah Dispute: Revisited
Learn more about the dispute over Sabah that affected Philippine-Malaysia relations in the 20th century.

How did ASEAN promote economic growth in the 1970s?
Learn more about the economic initiatives launched by ASEAN to promote regional cooperation in the 1970s and 1980s.

When did Myanmar join ASEAN?
Learn more about the political developments when Myanmar joined ASEAN in the 1990s.

How did ASEAN respond to the South China Sea dispute?
Learn more about ASEAN's responses to the South China Sea dispute.

Revisited: When was ASEAN formed and why?
Learn more about the motivations that shaped the formation of ASEAN.

What is the Mischief Reef incident?
Learn more about the Mischief Reef dispute that began in 1994, escalating tensions with the Philippines.

When did Indonesia get West Papua?
Learn more about the New York Agreement of 1962 that granted West New Guinea to Indonesia.

Revisited: What is the United Nations Malaysia Mission?
Find out more about the UN Malaysia Mission established to ascertain the creation of the Malaysian Federation.

What is the ASEAN Declaration on the South China Sea?
Learn more about the ASEAN Declaration signed on 22 July 1992 by ASEAN member nations to address the ongoing dispute in South China Sea.

How did Singapore respond to the Cambodian Crisis of 1979?
Learn more about the Singapore government's response to the 1979 Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia.

What is the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea?
Learn more about the significance of Democratic Kampuchea to understand the developments of the Third Indochina War.

What was the 1997 coup in Cambodia about?
Find out more about the political unrest in Cambodia in 1997 that affected ASEAN's aim of regional enlargement.

Sipadan and Ligitan dispute: Revisited
Find out more about the territorial disputes over Sipadan and Ligitan islands that affected Indonesia-Malaysia relations.

What was the United Nations Malaysia Mission of 1963?
Learn more about the United Nations Mission that was led by Secretary-General U Thant to oversee the referendum in the Borneo territories.

What is the purpose of the ASEAN Regional Forum?
Learn more about the role of the ARF in keeping ASEAN relevant in the post-Cold War world.

What caused the Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979?
Find out what happened in the Sino-Vietnamese War, which later affected the developments of the Third Indochina War.

What are the Points of Agreement of 1990?
Find out more about the 1990 political agreement made between Singapore and Malaysia over the railway land owned by the KTM.

What is APEC and its purpose?
Learn more about the regional economic forum that was set up in 1989, involving ASEAN members.

What is the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia?
Learn more about the peace treaty signed in 1976 to promote a non-aggressive approach to resolve disputes and conflicts in Southeast Asia.

What is the purpose of AFTA?
Find out how AFTA promotes regional economic integration through the CEPT scheme in Southeast Asia.

South China Sea dispute – Cartoon Analysis
Take a look at some of the featured political cartoons to understand the context of the South China Sea dispute.

What was ASEAN’s response to the Third Indochina War?
Examine ASEAN's responses during the Third Indochina War to learn more about the challenges it faced.

What is the Kuantan Doctrine?
Find out what Indonesia and Malaysia proposed during the meeting at Kuantan in response to the Third Indochina War.

Why was Singapore separated from Malaysia?
Examine the contributing factors that explained the Singapore's separation from Malaysia on 9 August 1965.

What is the Sabah dispute?
Examine the causes and consequences of the North Borneo dispute that affected the relations between Malaysia and the Philippines.

Konfrontasi: Revisited
Learn more about the implications of the Confrontation on Southeast Asia.

When was ASEAN formed?
Learn more about the historical developments before the founding of ASEAN.

What is the main purpose of ASEAN?
Examine the aims and motivations of the founding members to understand why ASEAN was established in 1967.

The Enlargement of ASEAN
Learn more about the expansion of ASEAN in the 1980s and 1990s.

ASEAN Economic Cooperation during the Cold War
Learn more about ASEAN's attempts to promote regional economic cooperation the 1970s and 1980s.

What was the Sipadan-Ligitan dispute about?
Learn more about the territorial dispute that affected Indonesia-Malaysia relations in the post-independence period.

How effective was ASEAN in maintaining regional security?
Examine two case studies to assess the effectiveness of ASEAN in maintaining regional stability.

What were the organisations formed before ASEAN?
Analyse the role of former organisations, such as the SEATO, ASA and MAPHILINDO to understand the importance of regional co-operation.

What the Singapore-Malaysia Water Dispute is about
Learn more about the water dispute that affected Singapore-Malaysia relations.

What the Malaysian Railway Land dispute is about
Examine the railway land dispute that affected the Singapore-Malaysia relations in the post-independence period.

Why did Konfrontasi happen?
Find out what happened during the Confrontation to understand the significance of inter-state tensions in Southeast Asia.

What is the Pedra Branca dispute?
Learn more about a territorial dispute that affected Singapore-Malaysia relations.

What happened during the first ASEAN summit?
Find out more about the inaugural ASEAN Summit that was held in 1976 to understand the importance of regional cooperation.

What does ZOPFAN stand for?
Learn more about the functions of ZOPFAN to understand how ASEAN managed external challenges in the 1970s.

How did ASEAN promote economic growth?
Examine how ASEAN promoted regional economic cooperation to achieve market integration ever since its formation in 1967.

What is the South China Sea dispute?
Learn more about the origins and developments of the South China Sea dispute to understand the role of ASEAN.

What is the ASEAN Way?
Examine the central mechanism that underpins regional co-operation of member nations in ASEAN.

Why was the ASEAN established?
Consider the possible contributing factors that explained the formation of ASEAN as a regional organization in Southeast Asia.